2020 mini-grants in use! Kindergartners enjoy Alphabots and 3rd graders choose a book to read.
During 2018, the Richmond Education Foundation had the pleasure of granting summer camp scholarships to students. Here's some pictures of the kids at camp over the summer:
Using a mini-grant from the Richmond Education Foundation, Mrs. Davidson was able to purchase a mat cutter for her art students at the middle school. The mat cutter allowed students the ability to prepare their art work for entry into the Scholastics Art Show, a very prestigious show. These pictures are some of the art pieces that were accepted! Very impressive Richmond!!!
Band and choir students use the Sight Reading Factory to improve sight reading skills. Students are assessed on their sight reading skills at District and State contests throughout the year. Sight Reading allows the musician to fully express their musical skills and read music fluently. Sight Reading also accelerates the music making process allowing students to learn music at a faster pace. It also helps students to maintain pitch.
As you can see there are several reasons why Sight-Reading is important. We are really excited to bring this piece of technology to our music students. The Sight Reading Factory allows for differentiated instruction with many different levels of music reading. ~ Mrs. Schack (Middle School & High School Band)
As you can see there are several reasons why Sight-Reading is important. We are really excited to bring this piece of technology to our music students. The Sight Reading Factory allows for differentiated instruction with many different levels of music reading. ~ Mrs. Schack (Middle School & High School Band)
REF assisted Mr. Rineer and Mrs. Gabridge with funding to purchase thank you cards which Richmond High School Juniors used to write notes of appreciation to U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Along with letters written by Lee students, these were packaged and sent overseas to help lift morale.
For the Juniors, this project was part of learning about chivalry and practicing small acts of kindness. Way to go Richmond students!!!
For the Juniors, this project was part of learning about chivalry and practicing small acts of kindness. Way to go Richmond students!!!